Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life Partners

Far be it for me to judge anyone on the lifestyle they choose to live. We just try to do what we believe is right for us...and I realize what is "right" is completely in the eye of the beholder. Bearing that in mind, here's a funny story from our weekend. We were in the yard with Granny and Papa (pics to come) and playing a friendly game of "washer toss" (a.k.a. beanbag toss). We were all talking while playing and I mentioned Mike's company had new health insurance effective September 1st and they were recognizing "life partners". Little Miss Big Ears says, "mama, what is a life partner". As my eyes grew big and I looked at Mike for a little help I responded, "it is when 2 people live together but they aren't married like Daddy and I are". Without breaking stride Riley looks up and says, "oh, like Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat".
:) After I composed myself I said, "yes, exactly like that."
One more day letting her live in the little bubble we've made for her...because we can.
Life is good!