Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Star is Born!

Guess who was chosen as "Star Student" for the week?

She was really proud of her poster and couldn't wait to "explain" it to her class. Besides her pictures and stickers, her written information included her favorite color, sport, book, food, thing to do at home, thing to do at school and her "stats". She was so proud to write them herself (even though I made her do it twice...once a teacher, always a teacher). She insisted on putting a football on her poster b/c she has her yearly case of UT fever with the beginning of the season hype (due to her Daddy). I gave in since it technically is her assignment. We've got to fill the "Sharing Sack" later this week with things she holds dear so that she can share them with her classmates and I'm going to read to them on Friday. Is it weird that I'm SO into this? We love our little shining star!

A pic-filled post to come tomorrow. We spent a little time (not enough) with Patty this weekend and some with our sweet nephews as well!

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