Friday, September 25, 2009

Frogs and an Empty Lot

Here in the great state of Mississippi (most humid, rainy place EVER for the past 12 days or so) we have a variety of frogs. Riley even has a toad house and regularly encourages visitors to enter (ok, sometimes it's by force, but she's only 5 years old). We usually "check on them" each night (you know, turn down service, mints on pillows, mini bar, tiny shaped soaps wrapped in thin paper). This week we encountered a new species ON the front door! Yep, those little suckers (pun intended) were STUCK on the front door. They just hung out there and filled their little froggy bellies with little bugs that were helplessly attracted to the lamp I had turned on in the foyer. Go away from the light..... YIKES! Bugs and Kendra DO NOT mix. Riley has happily (yes, deep down I'm glad) adopted her Daddy's love for all things crawly, and this love of critters great and small has magnified since our move to the wilderness...I mean great state of Mississippi. About that vacant lot...
While we were brushing Riley's teeth one evening this week, she proudly pointed out that her 6 year molar on one side had almost entirely broken through the gum. I was wowed (b/c she hasn't complained and b/c I usually know when she has so much as a cuticle out of place). Once we enjoyed "viewing the molar" for a bit, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror and asked "how long do you think I'll have my empty lot". I asked her if her Daddy called her "space" an empty lot, and she said, "no, it's just what that empty space makes me think of." We've patiently waited on that little tooth to come in since July, and have been assured it will in its own time, but we've never referred to the "space" as an empty lot. If I didn't know better, I'd think she was channeling Junie B. Jones.

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