Sunday, September 13, 2009

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

Oh, the fun she (Riley) had. She forgot what it was like to be able to monopolize our friend Patty's time with her crazy requests that Patty is always more than willing to accommodate. This visit was all about whatever "Miss Patty" was doing. If Patty wore tennis shoes on our walk, Riley wore tennis shoes. If Patty was drinking water, Riley was drinking water. We had a great visit and it made us sad (Riley cried and I felt like crying) when Patty had to leave. But, we managed to enjoy the time we had together. Riley got to play soccer for Patty, took her to eat at Red Robin and forced her to spend way too much time in the playroom with her! Patty and I went out around Memphis after the soccer game and left Riley and Mike watching UT's game. We found Kyle's future school and stopped by Sun Studios where Elvis cut his first record. We even drove by Graceland (my first drive by and Patty's second visit there). I showed her the Peabody Hotel and we went to Mud Island to see the row houses and scouted out apartments for Kyle. I've got a plan. He'll eat a "home cooked meal" with us once a week and Riley can tell her school friends about her adopted big brother Kyle. Once he is enrolled in dental school his mama will be out to visit lots (she's devoted that way). She will need some company on the ride out and Barbara will be too happy to ride shotgun! Right mama? See there are positives related to this move, they just keep showing up!
Showing Patty her soccer skills!
Isn't there some sad country song that goes, "I miss my friend..."? I'm singin' it while I'm blogging about our visit...great time, great laughs. I'm extending a "formal" invitation to all other friends...come out and see us, we love company!

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