Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kissin' Cousins

We were so lucky to be able to visit with Broc and Baylor while Granny and Papa were in town. We had a nice day and Riley and Broc bonded (if you call taking a tinkle outside bonding). Yep, my girl isn't gonna be "shown up" by a boy (least of all her younger cousin) and his ability to potty outside. Within 2 minutes of Broc utilizing the great outdoors as a potty, my girl had shucked her shorts and was ready to water God's vegetation. If you know me AT ALL, you know I had A FIT! It was too late to "stop the process" (you know once you start it's hard to stop), but that didn't keep me from freaking out. We had a serious talk once we were alone about what was and was not appropriate, and it has taken me a week to laugh about it (through gritted teeth) but the bottom line (pun intended) is that we're close to family and she'll get to do a little growing up with her cousins and for that blessing we are grateful! Our precious nephews are so adorable and really fun. They are so different from one another that hanging out with them is always eventful. Broc is always ready to play and makes everyone laugh and Baylor is more serious, but still generally wants to do whatever his big brother is doing. Riley likes to pull rank when she's with them and inforce the fact that she is older. That's a girl for ya!

There are a few pics of their time together over on the right! (Click on the box and they will enlarge in a new screen).

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