Saturday, August 15, 2009

We hadn't planned anything for the weekend since Riley showed a few signs of fatigue (i.e. little meltdowns over tiny things, lights out as soon as her head hit the pillow, verbally admitting "I'm tired") this week with her new
BIG KID SCHOOL SCHEDULE. The not planning turned into a restful day for us here at home. We found time to bounce on the trampoline, take in a book (she's getting hooked on Junie B. Jones and I can't hide my excitement), took an early morning bike ride around the neighborhood hoping to scope out some new neighbors a street away. Rumor has it that they have a 5 year old little girl, but we haven't seen her yet. Pretty hum drum day, but good to relax. I told Mike that I had been so busy in the weeks prior to the move and of course the unpacking when we arrived that I really had to learn how to "relax" again! He admitted to feeling sort of the same way. (Yes, he admitted to feeling something...I suspected he had feelings all along, but it's taken me 5 years of dating and 10 years of marriage to conclude that they do exist). ;) A few grilled hot dogs to get our nitrate fix and some homemade ice cream...cookies and cream at the request of our resident princess. She explained the early process just after she and her daddy watched Tom and Jerry (it's tooooooo hot here to do much outside), which explains why she is referring to herself as Jerry (she's always Jerry mouse, Mike is Tom and somehow I'm the big overprotective bulldog Butch).

We sought out a church (ya gotta love the internet) and visited this morning. We'll be doing some further searching...however, Riley was interested in
knowing whether it was a "sprinkle church or a dunking church".
She's got some underlying issues regarding baptism and the whole "underwater" part of the process.

It was a relaxing weekend!

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