Thursday, January 7, 2010

Remember Flat Stanley???

Well, meet Flat Frosty...

The original Flat Stanley had his picture taken in all sorts of cool and unusual places (and the teacher in me is thrilled to know that he is enjoying a resurgence)!  "Flat Frosty" was captured on our front walkway in northern Mississippi this morning enjoying the 12 degree temperatures 
Our girl was thrilled at the idea of a "snow day", and wasn't letting the fact that her "first official snow day" only involved about 4 flakes of snow get her down.  It seemed the perfect day to jump on the "snowpoline" as she renamed it!

I can't tell you how many times I heard, "Mama, look at this ice!  Mama, look this is frozen!"  It made me remember to see things through her eyes.  Why do people have to grow up and get so...old?  She had more fun exploring the ice and frozen stuff during those freezing 35 minutes than you could imagine.  I was too cold to cry (although my nose was running off of my face), but  I had myself a little winter epiphany standing out there.  Her wide eyed innocence, her ability to see ONLY the good, her ability to accept the face value of ANY situation is such an inspiration to me!  (Of course, I am her mama, and a bit biased).  At what age does that go away?  Why are adults such prudes?  The everyday responsibilities of life shouldn't hinder our ability to enjoy the life we've been given!  NOT an easy sentence to type and BELIEVE when you lean toward the Obsessive Compulsive side of the pendulum.  Housework, jobs, labeling my Rubbermaid storage bins (I'm such a geek), are tasks that will be around forever, but my girl will only be 5 once and snow days don't come along that often in the great state of Mississippi! 

I'm so glad I'm a mama!  Thank you baby big girl for reminding your mama to stop and smell the roses!


  1. What a great post! Thank you for reminding Grammie to also stop and smell the roses...
    You are such a blessing to me:)and I love you so much! I feel so blessed to have such kind and thoughtful children.
    Looks like you had great fun today!

  2. I love this post Kendra! What a beautiful reminder that we should be happy with the little things and not ever take them for granted! I pray that we can all have the child like faith that God wants us to have! Thank you for your inspiration!

  3. I saw a Flat Stanley book in Target today and guess what I though about....

  4. I meant "thought" dah...
