Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blessings: We have Many

It's burrrr... cold here and we didn't get that big snow we were hoping for.  What we did get was lots of ice and wind.  Riley was out of school yesterday and Mike attempted to go to work, but turned back because of icy roads.  So, we spent the day inside the house (except for our one mid-morning sleet filled trek out into the woods to explore).  


We played games, I did my standard list of daily chores (you know the ones you do every day that make you feel like a hampster on a wheel) and we just relaxed.  Riley and Mike played vet to a little finch that flew into a window.  They scooped it up and put in inside a box until it recovered and flew away.  I think Mike was as happy about that as Riley was!

A little after 7 pm we lost power and we had a little adventure.  We (I) scurried about gathering flashlights and candles and Mike turned the gas logs in the fireplace on so that we had a way to keep warm.  Riley gathered her precious stuffed piggies to keep her company beside the fire, and we spent the next few minutes explaining ALL of the MANY things that just stop working in a house when the power is out.  I re-lived those cold winter adventures mom, dad, Jeff and I had in NC circa 1982 or so.  Roasting hot dogs for dinner in the fireplace (the real kind of fireplace with real wood) and camping out in the den because that was where the warmth was.  Ahhh, good times!


Queenie went to the pantry with flashlight in hand and got herself some raisins.  She proceeded to open the fridge and grab a bottled water.  On her way back to her "nest" she was making in front of the fire she announced, "at least we have water, that's one of our blessings, we have many"!  ****INSERT GREAT BIG SMILE BY MAMA HERE****  What a sweetie!  How proud was I that our good girl (who, thankfully, has no idea of hard or struggling times) recognized how blessed our little family is?!  So, it's Saturday morning and we aren't going to see temperatures above freezing until sometime on Monday.  However, that's ok because I'll be in my warm house with my sweet family enjoying cabin fever, I mean enjoying all of our many blessings. 


  1. Sounds like you made the best of the ice storm and had a great time. I'm sure you enjoyed your time with all the piggys! Gram
