Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friends and Fun on the Fourth!

Ignore Kate's hand in the corner of this VERY BLURY picture.

Mike, Riley and I were lucky enough to have our best friends in for the 4th of July! Kate, Jim, Carson and Campbell arrived midday on Friday and the kiddies played to their hearts content! Aunt Liz brought Broc and Baylor down for a while and the kids jumped on the trampoline and Mike cooked Beer Brats for he and Jim. They both said they were yummy and taking into account that they cooked 6 servings and they were all gone (can't count the 1/2 of one that was left) I would deduce that they were in fact tasty! Kate,the kids and I opted for an old fashion all beef weenie.

Saturday morning we all hung out a while and loaded up to go see the famous Marching Ducks at the Peabody Hotel in downtown Mem
phis. The guys dropped us at the door (thank goodness) and we ran into the lobby. We sorta missed the "official grand entrance" but the kids didn't really realize that and were very content to see the ducks. Once the crowd cleared out, (yep, you wouldn't believe the crowd of crazy people like us who apparently needed to fill a void by watching ducks walk a red carpet) we got to spend lots of time with the ducks and fountain and even met the "duck master".

After saying goodbye to the ducks, we walked down to Beale Street. We didn't stay long, but rather decided it would be best to visit a more "family friendly establishment" for lunch. Once we left downtown, we grabbed a little ice cream and and went home to get ready for our evening. We grilled BBQ ribs (Riley was offended that her daddy and uncle Jim ate piggies, but since we had a designated "kids table" she didn't have to look at them) and I fixed homemade potato salad and cole slaw. The kids had a blast "building their own desserts"
...and then we were off to the Olive Branch Fourth of July Celebration. There were a few inflatables there and the kids did those and the guys got them an icee while we waited on the fireworks. Carson, Campbell and Riley loved them! It was quite an elaborate display and we thought it was lengthy for a small town celebration.
We got back LATE and got in bed EVEN LATER before I was awakened by our first storm in our new house. Mike made fun of me b/c I turned on our weather radio at
3am (you know, the guy with the funny computerized voice that says, "The National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for the following counties...").

We "played at home" most of the day and went to see Riley's school and had some ice cream before our sweet friends had to leave. We're still dreaming up a plan to live and work in the same town. At least with our move we didn't get any further away from each other, just a different direction. The kids spent the morning blowing bubbles and riding bikes. Soon I'll sit down and figure out how to add a slide show of pics, I have tons to share from the weekend and move as well.

The only thing missing from our all American weekend was the watermelon in the fridge that we forgot to cut! I'm loading it up for HHI next week though! It will be taken care of!

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