Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not "Nancy", but Just as "Fancy"

Oh how I miss my mama!  What a wonderful visit we had last week!  The parental unit arrived Wednesday afternoon just in time to go with me to pick Riley up from school.  She let out a squeal when she saw them waiting with me in the car!  I'm not sure who smiled more!  Mom and Dad went to eat lunch with her at school on Thursday and then checked her out early.  She felt so important because of her early dismissal!  The girls went to the Old Town Collierville Square and did a little browsing (a really neat place) while sweet Poppy mowed the yard!  (I'm as spoiled as Riley is...I know).

Mom and I enjoyed a little girl time on Friday when she treated us to manicures before a little shopping!  I'm not complaining (too much), but it has been an eternity a while since a day has been "about me".  I won't lie, I relished every moment!  Thanks mama! ;)

Mike had been asked months ago by a vendor he deals with to be guests at the Tennessee/Ole Miss game.  We were thrilled because we had heard that tailgating at "The Grove" was truly an event.  Since Miss Riley was in good hands with Grammie and Poppy we headed down to Oxford for the day on Saturday.  WOW!  I thought people in Knoxville knew how to tailgate before we were exposed to sophisticated little Oxford!  YIKES!  Seas of tents and canopies covered the beautiful campus and those people were a serious class act.  Buffet tables with silver serving dishes, centerpieces, lighted chandeliers (no, I'm not kidding), plasma televisions with satellite hookups and huge smokers cooking tons of bar-b-que.  Our host had the food for the game catered by one of the Memphis in May BBQ judges.  Before moving here that wouldn't have meant much to me, but believe me when I say, "it's a big deal."  The pictures don't do it justice.  It's an experience!

I only thought I knew what "Fancy" was while I was in Oxford.  True "Fancy" was right back at home in Olive Branch.  Riley and Grammie held a Fancy Nancy Tea Party complete with ensembles (that's fancy for outfits) and a tablecloth, candles, cookies, etc.  I'm all for imagination and a little grandparental indulging, but c'mon...I draw the line at this...

ESPECIALLY when "this" is allowed (I'd go as far as to say she was encouraged) to go INSIDE Wal-Mart to pick up a few needed crafting supplies!  The top and sweater are actually "good clothes" provided by sweet Aunt Liz.  Although you can't see it here, the shrug has beads sewn onto it and our girl loves her bling!  Notice the TWO skirts, AND the dress-up shoes.  Yep, those are plastic dress up shoes!  It's as if my parents don't know me at all! 

Not hard to see who was "running the show" while Mike and I were cheering on the VOLS!  The same little 44 inch person who runs the show here everyday!


  1. Wow! Riley you look way to cute, love the outfit. Looks like everyone enjoyed the long weekend and Kendra I'm so glad you got some much deserved girl time...Love Ya

  2. Grammie and Poppy said...

    We had such a good time with you all! We got to see all of our babies and that was a treat!
    Maybe next time you can dress up with us and I'll take you anywhere you want to go...but, I get to wear the boa. Riley said it looked marvelous on me!
    By the way, Granny Faye said she would have taken her out with her "fancy" clothes on too. Just like Riley says, "When you're with Granny or Grammie, you can do anything you want to." (within reason, ofcourse)
