Friday, May 21, 2010

Boo Hoo!!!

Someone received her first gymnastics trophy last Friday, and is so proud of it!
Someone sang her little heart out at a Kindergarten program on Monday.  
(and her Mama had a less than desirable "picture taking view", so pictures weren't terrific.)

Someone had her very special Aunt, Uncle and cousins with her that morning.  We're so lucky they are close by!

That same someone celebrated "Beach Day" at school on Tuesday...
(and her Mama did a better job documenting that event....)

This person has also toted home the remains of her math, reading, and vocabulary workbooks this week.  She is super excited about Field Day this coming Monday, and has reminded me repeatedly that she no longer needs to take her daily folder since "all the work" is over.  

Someone is learning just how exciting "Summer Vacation" is when you're in school.

Oh my...someone's Mama is a little weepy because someone is growing up way too fast!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet these pictures are. So glad Uncle Brian, Aunt Liz, Brock and Baylor were able to share in the fun at school, and so sad that Grammie and Poppy weren't there.
    Tell Queenie that her trophy is absolutely beautiful and she looks great in her grass skirt. Can't wait to see you guys.
