Saturday, October 31, 2009

Orange and Black

Go VOLS Go!!!!!
Little did we know that those VICTORIOUS VOLUNTEERS would sport some orange and black for their Halloween game!!! Riley waffled between being an Ole Miss cheerleader or a UT cheerleader, and decided with her mama's alma mater! YIPPIE! We're thinking the orange and black vibe we sent from Mississippi helped spur us on to victory!

Mike really wanted to be neighbors with this guy...he had the game showing in his front yard on what we estimate to be an 8 foot screen while he handed out candy! So good to see the "Volunteer Spirit" alive and well in the great state of MISSISSIPPI! We aren't the only VOL fans around these parts!!

Riley and her friend Riley (yep, Riley x 2) from one road over hit the streets (newly blacktopped I might add) to collect their bounty...

It was a T-riffic night...get it??? T-riffic? Vols, power T???

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Boo-tiful time with Friends!

We were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from sweet friends this weekend. We went to the soccer field, corn maze, pumpkin patch, singing chicken show, petting zoo and pig races (yes, Riley LOVED this).

I took WAY too many pictures (is that even possible)!? Dumped them into a slide show to the right. Click on it to enlarge them in a new window.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

E I E I O ! ! !

Much to my delight, Riley's first field trip was today! It couldn't have been scripted any better. You see, my little pig lover's VERY FIRST field trip ever was to a FARM! Needless to say she has been estatic for weeks and has asked me numerous times if she had "turned in her money yet". I wish I could pull her aside and let her know that I actually collected field trip money for 6 years prior to being blessed with her, therefore it was second nature for me to promptly send in her money and permission slip (sealed and labeled envelope of course) only hours after receiving the permission slip and information. One day she'll become fully aware of just how deep my obsessive compulsive issues are! I put together a little slide show to the right and below is a little video of her at Sonic afterwards recapping her day (actually she's just rambling on and on, but she's happy)! Enjoy!