Saturday, August 28, 2010

Treading Water

That's what we're all about here in northern MS these days....We're "treading water".  Never mind that our precious big girl learned to swim this summer (finally, thank you God)....we're treading water.  We did enjoy a fantastic Hilton Head, SC vacation (#5 with the family) the last week of July....but, right now we're "treading water".  Never mind that she and her fish-like cousin were water logged each and every day while on vacation, now... we're "treading water".  
Once all the relaxation was over, I started what I consider to be a job sent straight from the heavens above!  However, I find myself "treading water".  I was all set up to be the PTO president at Riley's school for the upcoming school year, but OH MY did God have other plans.  He felt I should "tread water".  Long story short = out of the blue there was a phone call, interview, job offer, and a 5th grade position was mine at Riley's school.  In a down economy with budget cuts and increasing classroom sizes, I was fortunate enough to get a job doing the only thing I know how to do. (Just thankful that I realize this important bit of information). **Funny side note:  When I quit teaching after we had Riley, I just knew I would eventually find another career that didn't involve lesson planning, grading, parent conferences, and trips to the "teacher supply store".  The last six years at home were full of beautiful experiences, tear-filled days, unending laughs, joys of motherhood and ROUTINE.  That's one thing I'm really good at.  I thrive on the predictable, the road traveled, the straight and narrow path.  I get that from my daddy.  I love a routine and the comfort that it brings.  Those that know me can attest to my ridiculous need for routine.  I've been made fun of for this, fully embraced my anal tendencies, and tried a million times (at least) to "go with the flow".  It's just not how I'm made!  The unknown scares me and makes me feel like I'm drowning....SO, God decided I should "tread water".  Funny how that works out, really funny.  Hear me laughing?
School started August 5th, and I think I lost all contact with the outside world at least a full 3 days before that (in-service days).  The pressure I put on myself isn't exactly fair (or even reasonable most of the time), but that's me...I'm learning to "tread water".  Things are SO new for us as a family. Dinner isn't ready or waiting lots of nights, we run out of milk (perish the thought), there might be a little more dust on my foyer table (if you know me, you know that cuts me to the bone), but God was convinced convinced me that I needed to hang on, trust, and "tread water".  
Our move to Mississippi last summer really puzzled me.  
I couldn't get over how things fell into place for us.  I didn't understand how things could just work out so perfectly, and if I'm being 100 % honest...I still don't get it.  BUT, one thing I know for sure is that this is exactly where my precious family of 3 is supposed to be.  While we are "treading water" in our new set of circumstances, I find myself thankful each day that I was taught long ago how to swim.  

Trust is a hard thing to learn, and an even harder thing to practice. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Busy Bees!

I wondered what in the world we would do to fill our summer time here in the terribly hot state of Mississippi.  After this "ah ha" moment came a couple of weeks ago, I felt much better.

Riley was so surprised and excited about her summer calendar.  We're selecting things and going after them!  She's recently become infatuated with the idea of "seize the day" after hearing a song on the radio.  Really puts things into perspective when you realize you may never be in a blackberry field (are they called fields?) with your 6 year old again in 95+ degree heat (no whining about humidity...I'm counting my blessings, remember).  I'm constantly amazed at the zest for life that little people have.  
Anyway...we found a recipe online and made fresh blackberry bars once we brought our bounty home.  We further researched how to freeze them and have big plans to make homemade ice cream with them for the 4th of July.

Miss Farmer's garden (humble as it is) has officially entered the "picking season", and the first cucumber of the year will be was consumed tonight last night at dinner!  Yummy!  My sweet, sentimental girl wasn't too sure about eating it, but I think I've talked her into it. 
 (This is the same baby girl that took a carpet fiber from our old house and still has a styrofoam packing peanut from our move).  We joke that she'll be featured on a Lifetime show about hoarding when she's an adult...should prove to be an interesting show...hoarder, pig farmer, evangelist, world traveler.  
A couple of other activities she's picked recently from the 2010 Summer o' Fun Calendar, have been a "toenail party" (that homemade exfoliate idea was SUCH a hit! She loved that she was putting Daddy's breakfast on her feet) as well as a paper mache' craft.  She calls this her Jesus Box and puts her earrings inside it (never mind the 3 jewelry boxes she has that are actually designed to hold jewelry).  Love her!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Boo Hoo!!!

Someone received her first gymnastics trophy last Friday, and is so proud of it!
Someone sang her little heart out at a Kindergarten program on Monday.  
(and her Mama had a less than desirable "picture taking view", so pictures weren't terrific.)

Someone had her very special Aunt, Uncle and cousins with her that morning.  We're so lucky they are close by!

That same someone celebrated "Beach Day" at school on Tuesday...
(and her Mama did a better job documenting that event....)

This person has also toted home the remains of her math, reading, and vocabulary workbooks this week.  She is super excited about Field Day this coming Monday, and has reminded me repeatedly that she no longer needs to take her daily folder since "all the work" is over.  

Someone is learning just how exciting "Summer Vacation" is when you're in school.

Oh my...someone's Mama is a little weepy because someone is growing up way too fast!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Up, Up, and Away!

It was SUCH a windy day last Sunday.  We spent the afternoon at a local soccer field.  After a picnic, we didn't play soccer...we flew kites! 
Riley was VERY happy to wear "sport sun glasses" as she calls them, Keens, and a hat just like her Daddy!  She was cute (even if she looked like a boy)!
Unwinding the string before "take off"
They were 2 peas in a pod!
 Queenie decided that kite flying was "a piece of cake".  I turned around and found her lounging on the ground holding her kite with one hand!  LOVED IT!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's official.  As of last Friday at 12:51 p.m. Queenie turned six.  The Silly Bandz, Wii remote in hand, and new found love of "flair" has my head spinning. 

 She opted for a trip to Knoxville to see Grammie, Poppy, Granny and Papa rather than a birthday party this year.  It was great timing since it was a long Easter weekend!  There were a million eggs dyed, hidden and found, way too much cake, and loads of love.
If you know our girl, you know she loves piggies.  She had a pig cake at her 3rd birthday.  This year we surprised her with a cake that looked like her favorite pig, Oinky. He used to be so pink and fluffy (like the cake), but she has loved him so much (since she was 2) that he is sorta flat and grey now!
She squealed and flailed about like an excited baby when she laid eyes on that icing covered friend!  It was priceless!

She managed to get in a little egg dying with Mike, Poppy, and Grammie...and ruined a new skort in the process, but she had a blast!  I think she, Mike and Poppy had colored fingers and nails for a few days!  (Grammie was smart enough to keep her fingers out of the dye)!

As this was a different Easter weekend for us (traveling), we couldn't do a local egg hunt, so opted to check out the one put on by the UT gardens.  In true Queenie fashion she enjoyed every minute!

 Aside from the visit to Knoxville, our little bunny asked for a Wii for her birthday.  We had SO much fun watching Grammie, Poppy, Granny and Papa bowl, but I love them all too much to post pictures. :)

Thank you Lord for our healthy, spirited, one-of-a-kind little blessing that fills our hearts and lives!