Saturday, April 24, 2010

Up, Up, and Away!

It was SUCH a windy day last Sunday.  We spent the afternoon at a local soccer field.  After a picnic, we didn't play soccer...we flew kites! 
Riley was VERY happy to wear "sport sun glasses" as she calls them, Keens, and a hat just like her Daddy!  She was cute (even if she looked like a boy)!
Unwinding the string before "take off"
They were 2 peas in a pod!
 Queenie decided that kite flying was "a piece of cake".  I turned around and found her lounging on the ground holding her kite with one hand!  LOVED IT!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's official.  As of last Friday at 12:51 p.m. Queenie turned six.  The Silly Bandz, Wii remote in hand, and new found love of "flair" has my head spinning. 

 She opted for a trip to Knoxville to see Grammie, Poppy, Granny and Papa rather than a birthday party this year.  It was great timing since it was a long Easter weekend!  There were a million eggs dyed, hidden and found, way too much cake, and loads of love.
If you know our girl, you know she loves piggies.  She had a pig cake at her 3rd birthday.  This year we surprised her with a cake that looked like her favorite pig, Oinky. He used to be so pink and fluffy (like the cake), but she has loved him so much (since she was 2) that he is sorta flat and grey now!
She squealed and flailed about like an excited baby when she laid eyes on that icing covered friend!  It was priceless!

She managed to get in a little egg dying with Mike, Poppy, and Grammie...and ruined a new skort in the process, but she had a blast!  I think she, Mike and Poppy had colored fingers and nails for a few days!  (Grammie was smart enough to keep her fingers out of the dye)!

As this was a different Easter weekend for us (traveling), we couldn't do a local egg hunt, so opted to check out the one put on by the UT gardens.  In true Queenie fashion she enjoyed every minute!

 Aside from the visit to Knoxville, our little bunny asked for a Wii for her birthday.  We had SO much fun watching Grammie, Poppy, Granny and Papa bowl, but I love them all too much to post pictures. :)

Thank you Lord for our healthy, spirited, one-of-a-kind little blessing that fills our hearts and lives!